Yellow Liquid Pigment

Yellow Liquid Pigment

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Description: Liquid Yellow Pigment is made with FD&C Pigments for soap, lotions, shampoos, bath bombs and bath salt. The final color may vary depending on the base product, fragrance oil and/or any additional ingredients that you may be adding to your product.

Ingredient list:

vegetable glycerin, yellow FD&C #5

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  • Hello. I would like to use this color for soap dye . Will this color will bleed? Same question for other pigment colors?


    All of our colors are approved for soap making! The times we have seen these colors bleed would be when the soap is poured estremely hot onto a layer of soap. Be sure your soap is cool enough to pour on top of a different colored soap layer! Other than that we have had no issue with soap bleeding! We hope this helped some!

    Thank you!