Cinnamon Stick Fragrance Oil

Cinnamon Stick Fragrance Oil

Regular price $2.95 Sale

Description: Cinnamon Fragrance oil is a true spicy cinnamon fragrance. Revised cinnamon from our original. A great fall or spicy fragrance oil to use in your products.

Our Cinnamon fragrance oil can be used for soap making, hand lotion, body lotion, hand creams, salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, bath salt, lotion bars, body wash, at 1%. Candle making, incense oils, potpourri oil, and incense sticks up to10%.

Flashpoint: 200

0% Vanilla

Candle Makers: Use up to 10% fragrance oil to wax ratio.

Phthalate Free

Candle Making wax and Paraffin

Do Not use on Gel candles

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  • does this discolor soap


    Fragrances that are spicier and contain vanilla will discolor. Our cinnamon FO will likely discolor. We advise using a vanilla stabalizer for either cold process soap or melt and pour if you dislike the natural tan/brown color!

    We hope this helped!