Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil

Regular price $9.50 Sale

Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil

A wonderful classic blend of aromatic lavenders. This magnificent bouquet contains Italian, Bulgarian and French lavenders. Fresh and sweet, a beautiful floral.
Usages for this oil is soap making, food grade.

Gluten free

GMO Free

Phthalate free

Flashpoint 68C
Country of origin: USA
Aromatic Description: Lavender Oil is floral, fresh, sweet, herbaceous and sometimes slightly fruity. It can be slightly camphorous.
Extraction Process: N/A

Avoid using while pregnant, women should consult their physician before using any essential oil.
All of our products are recommended for external use only. Pure Essential Supply does not sell items for use in food. Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Flushing with water will only send the essential oil back to the eye’s membranes. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. We’ve not known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider.

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  • can we use it on our face?


    Yes, all of our essential oils are approved for general cosmetics. These concentrated oils may be a little strong for some people to apply directly on your face. We advise to dilute your essential oils when applying topically. Lavender and tea tree are the only essential oils you can apply directly on the skin without diluting, but we advise to dilute anyways especially if you have sensitive skin!

    We hope this helped!♥
    -Pure Essential Supply Team

  • How much of this oil should I use for cold process soap per pound of oils please


    If our recipe yields 42oz of soap we generally add about 2-3 ounces of fragrance or essential oil.

    We hope this helped!