Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil

Regular price $9.50 Sale

The aroma of Bergamot Essential Oil is reminiscent to that of orange, but it is more complex and almost has an underlying floral characteristic to it. Fresh, balsamic and fruity, sweet and refreshing, but with slightly spicy floral undertones. Blends with Jasmine, Neroli, Cypress, Geranium most Citrus Oils, and Chamomile.

Summary: The aroma of Bergamot Essential Oil is reminiscent to that of orange, but it is more complex and almost has an underlying floral characteristic to it.

Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia

INCI Name: Citrus aurantium bergamia

Aromatic Description: Fresh, orange/lemon/citrusy, slightly floral.

Method of Extraction: Cold Press

Blending Suggestions: Bergamot blends exceptionally well with chamomile, lavender, neroli, coriander, jasmine, geranium, vetiver, rose, ylang ylang, sandalwood, nutmeg and citrus oils.

Bergamot Oil is know to aide in: Acne, abscesses, anxiety, boils, cold sores, cystitis, depression, halitosis, itching, loss of appetite, oily skin, psoriasis, stress. The health benefits include removing body odor, relieves spasms, suppresses pain, improves mood and fights depression, heals cuts and scars, and promotes efficient digestion.

Avoid using while pregnant, women should consult their physician before using any essential oil.

 All of our products are recommended for external use only. Pure Essential Supply does not sell items for use in food. Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Flushing with water will only send the essential oil back to the eye’s membranes. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. We’ve not known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider.

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